
Certificates and honors had witnessed our continuous efforts and achieved results, they are our long term promises and devotion to all our customers and ourselves. The goal of Taishan Group is to delivery finest quality coal fired boilers, biomass boilers, pressure vessels and turn key solutions to worldwide customers. In recent years, we had been continuously investing in technological innovation and manufacturing automation and process standardization to ensure the leading position in the competitive industrial boiler markets. Ahli sing duwe bakat 1,100 lan pengalaman yaiku kasugihan lan kompetensi nyata sing bisa nggawe penghormatan lan sertifikat sing larang regane.

Taishan Group is the global famous industrial boiler, pressure vessel and transformer designer, manufacturer and exporter which consists of 17 subsidiary companies like Boao International Trade Co., Ltd. We had always been working hard to became the leader to provide turn key solution for all Solusi boiling industri sampeyan. With continuous investment, development and progress, our annual industrial boiler output had been reached to the top position for 650 sets to 8500 Tons.

Ing klompok Taishan, inovasi produk, jaminan kualitas lan perbaikan sing terus-terusan dadi budaya perusahaan kita. With the help of our Honors and certificates, integrated product development, strict manufacturing and quality control processes make our employees to perform effectively and efficiently. We are not only manufacturing high quality products, but also providing best quality control, site installation and after sale service for your satisfaction.

Kita rumangsa seneng karo penghargaan lan sertifikasi, kita nyoba sing paling apik supaya bisa diterusake ing arah sing bener.





● Top perusahaan industri mesin paling gedhe ing 500.
● Top 500 perusahaan industri sing paling duwe bathi.
● TOP 500 ENTERRME-naleni lan dipercaya lan dipercaya.
● Top 500 Gedhe Enterprise Group ing babagan kompetitif komprehensif.

● Group Perusahaan 10 paling gedhe ing babagan kemampuan inovasi mandiri.
● Ndhuwur 100 perusahaan industri sing diajeni ing segi saingan saingan ing 2014.
● China misuwur - 'Taishan' merek.
● Umume merek sing paling akeh pengaruh ing industri boiling industri.