Steam Drum is the most important part of one steam boiler. It is a pressure vessel of water/steam at the top of water tubes. The steam drum stores the saturated steam and serves as a separator for steam/water mixture.
The steam drum is used for the following:
1. To mix the remaining saturated water after steam separation with incoming feedwater.
2. To mix the chemicals dosing into the drum for corrosion control and water treatment.
3. To purify the steam by removing contaminants and residual moisture.
4. To provide source for blowdown system where a part of water is rejected as a means of reducing solids content.
5. To provide a storage of water to accommodate any rapid load change.
6. To prevent the carry-over of water droplet into superheater and cause potential thermal damage.
7. To minimize the carry-over of steam with moisture leaving the drum.
8. To prevent the carry-over of solids and prevent the formation of deposit in the superheater and steam turbine blade.
Power plant boiler manufacturer Taishan Group won two sets 420t/h high pressure natural gas boiler. In early September 2021, the steam drum for the gas boiler finished hoisting.
We are responsible for the design, production and assembly of 420t/h high-temperature and high-pressure natural gas boiler.
Post time: Sep-19-2021