
Certificaten en onderscheidingen waren getuige geweest van onze voortdurende inspanningen en resultaten behaald, ze zijn onze langdurige beloften en toewijding aan al onze klanten en onszelf. The goal of Taishan Group is to delivery finest quality coal fired boilers, biomass boilers, pressure vessels and turn key solutions to worldwide customers. In recent years, we had been continuously investing in technological innovation and manufacturing automation and process standardization to ensure the leading position in the competitive industrial boiler markets. Our 1,100 talented experts and their experiences are our real wealth and competence that can make our honors and certificates much valuable.

In Taishan Group waren productinnovatie, kwaliteitsborging en continue verbetering onze bedrijfscultuur geworden. With the help of our Honors and certificates, integrated product development, strict manufacturing and quality control processes make our employees to perform effectively and efficiently. We are not only manufacturing high quality products, but also providing best quality control, site installation and after sale service for your satisfaction.

We koesteren onze eer en certificeringen diep, we doen ons best om ze in de goede richting te houden.




● Top 500 contractbindende en betrouwbare onderneming.