Irhasi yamandla erhasiligama elifanayo le-gesi yamandla erhasi. Olu lolunye uhlobo lwe-boiler yegesi esetyenziselwa ukuvelisa umbane. Ngomhla wamashumi amabini anesithandathu Iprojekthi iqulathe ezimbini iitoni ezili-170 ngeyure ngeyure ye-Boild yeSikhululo soMbane weSikhululo soMbane.
Isiphumo sohlalutyo lwegesi yendalo
Ch4: 91.22%
C2h6: 5.62%
CO2: 0.7%
I-N2: 0.55%
S: 5ppm
I-Gravives ekhethekileyo: 0.583
Ixabiso eliphantsi lokufudumeza: 8450kcal / NM3
Idatha yamandla eRhasi
Umthamo omiselweyo: I-150t / h
Uxinzelelo lweSteam: I-3.82MPA
Uxinzelelo olusebenzayo lweDrum: I-4.2MPA
Iqondo lokushisa le-Steam: 450deg.c
Iqondo lokushisa lwamanzi: i-150deg.c
Umthamo we-Wood: 584.53m3
Indawo yokufudumeza ye-radiation: i-453.52m2
Iqondo lobushushu le-Air: 20deg.c
Iqondo lokushisa le-Flue: 145Deg.c
Yila ukusebenza kakuhle: 92.6%
Uluhlu lomthwalo: I-30-110%
Ubunzulu be-seismic: i-7deg.
Ixabiso eliqhubekayo le-blowdown: 2%
Yila ipetroli: igesi yendalo
Ukusetyenziswa kwamafutha: i-15028nm3 / h
I-Nox Ukukhutshwa: I-50mg / NM3
I-surigucle umculo: 3mg / nm3
Itafile yamandla e-Boll
Hayi. | Igama lenxalenye | Umthamo wamanzi M3 (i-hydrotest / umthwalo ogqityiweyo) | Intetho |
1 | Idrum | 18.8/ 8.17 | |
2 | Iphantsi | 9.16 / 9.16 | |
3 | Udonga lwamanzi | 24.2 / 24.2 | Kubandakanya intloko |
4 | Ukudibanisa umbhobho wokuqhagamshela | 4 / 2.8 | |
5 | I-superheater | 8.7 | Akukho manzi kwi-superheater kumthwalo |
6 | Ezoqoqosho | 15.8 / 15.8 | Ngaphandle kokutya kwamanzi |
I-Boirsition yeSikhululo soMbane yeShasi yi-rum ye-rum ye-rum ye-surm the the the the the the the the the rusher riler. Abaxumi baphantsi kweendonga zecala lesithando; Iqonga inamanqanaba amathathu, kwaye amagumbi omoya anenqanaba elinye. I-Pretheter yomoya iluhlobo lwetyhubhu, isakhelo sesakhiwo sensimbi, kwaye umsila usakhiwo esiphezulu. Ingaphakathi le-Drum yamkela isahluli se-Cyum yokwahlulahlula i-Steam kunye namanzi, kunye ne-mesh yensimbi kunye ne-switter yokwahlulahlulahlulahlula. Ulawulo lobushushu lwe-Steam ebalaseleyo, yamkela i-Doused Fouredate isixhobo sokutshiza. I-wotoces yamkela i-memmnene Wall, kunye nokuBonelelwa kwamanzi angatshatayo ngentlawulelo; iqonga kunye nezitepsi zesakhiwo segridi.
IXESHA LOKUQALA: UJan-11 ukuya ku-1121